Saturday, August 29, 2009



1. Definition, Scope and Importance of Environmental Education.
2. What is the need of studying Environmental issues?
3. Define Environmental Studies. Explain why Environmental Studies is a multi-disciplinary subject?
4. What are the various types of employment potential for environmental subject experts/
5. Explain the fundamentals of Environment.
6. Discuss the objectives of Environmental Management.
7. Explain the branches of Environmental Education.
8. Why Environmental Awareness is is mandatory for all the people in society (or) How would Environmental Awareness help to protect our Environment?
9. What are the different activities that can be taken up to increase public awareness of environmental issues? Explain how they help in better Environmental Management.
10. Explain the different areas of conservation to which people belonging to different disciplines can contribute.
11. Describe the role of any twelve of the following Naturalists or Environmentalists or ENGO’s with reference to ‘Society and Environment’:
(1). Sunderlal Bahuguna (2). Medha Patkar (3). Indira Gandhi (4). Salim Ali
(5). Rachel Carson (6). E O Wilson (7). Sunitha Narain (8). Gro Halem Brutland
(9). Menaka Gandhi (10). Williun Wordsworth (11). Louis Pasteur (12). Jimmy Carter
(13). Ramana Maharshi (14). Helen Kellaer (15). Wangari Mathai (16). Babe Ampte
(17). J C Bose (18).Maurice Strong (19).Charles Darwin (20).George Perkins Marsh
(21). M S Swaminathan (22). Anil Agarwal (23). M C Mehtha (24). Madhav Gadgil
(25). James Lovelock (26). S P Godrej (27). Aldo Leopold (28). BNHS (29). WWF
(30). UNICEF (31). UNEP (32). UNO (33). MOEF (34). CSE …….

1. Differentiate Recyclable, Renewable and Non-renewable Resources.
2. Briefly discuss: Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere and Biosphere.
3. Discuss Natural Resources and associated problems by focusing your attention on: (a). Unequal consumption of natural resources (b). Planning land use (c). The need of sustainable life styles.
4. Discuss about the equitable use and conservation of natural resources.
5. Discuss the equitable use and conservation of Natural Resources.
6. Explain the role of individual in conservation of Natural Resources.
7. What is the relationship between fair land distribution and appropriate land use?
8. What is the use of Forest Resources in ecological balance?
9. What are the major causes and consequences of Deforestation?
10. How would dams effect forests and tribal people?
11. Describe the impact of modern agricultural practice on the environment.
12. Write a brief note on benefits and problems of building of large dams over rivers.
13. How can you prevent the depletion of ground water resources?
14. Write short notes on (a). Timber Extraction (b). Conflicts over Water (c). Floods (d). Over-grazing (e). Over utilization of ground water
15. Write short notes on (a). Timber Extraction (b).Effects of dams & mining on forests.
16. What are the major water reservoirs of the world? How much water is fresh and where is it?
17. What is mean by (a). Eutrophication (b). Super fest (c). Shifting Cultivation (d). Water logging (e). Soil erosion (f). Salinization (g). Land degradation
18. What is soil erosion? How can it be checked?
19. What are the methods of Water Conservation?
20. What are the fertilizer and pesticide related problems of Food Resources?
21. Discuss the major environmental impacts of mineral extraction. (OR) Explain the need of conservation of Mineral Resources.
22. Give some examples of strategic minerals. Where are the largest supplies of these minerals located?
23. What are the advantages of recycling minerals?
24. Describe ways of conserving metals and other mineral resources.
25. What are the environmental hazards associated with mineral extraction?
26. Write a note on growing energy needs and it’s demand in India.
27. Describe the Non-conventional energy resources.
28. Discuss the use of Bio-energy (biomass, biogas) as a non-conventional energy.
29. Give a note on Wind, Solar and Geo-thermal energy resources in India
30. What are the advantages of hydrogen energy in view of Environmental quality?
31. Enumerate the pros and cons of using Nuclear Energy.
32. Explain the contribution to the global pollution of the following;
(a). Fossil fuels (petrol, diesel, natural gas, etc,..) (b). Coal
33. Explain the following (a). Hydal Energy (b) Ocean thermal energy (c) Tidal Energy
34. Explain world food problems with examples.


1. Define Ecosystem, Describe the structure of an ecosystem. Explain the relationship between producers, consumers and decomposers.
2. Enumerate the branches of ecology.
3. Discuss about the elements of an ecosystem (OR) Explain Biotic and Abiotic structure of an ecosystem.
4. List the different components of the biosphere and their interdependency.
5. Discuss the adaptation by natural selection.
6. Define Ecosystem and Describe the functions of an ecosystem.
7. Describe in detail about the ecological succession
8. Discuss the evaluation of climax ecosystem along with an example.
9. Explain the primary and secondary succession.
10. Distinguish between Food Chain and Food Web
11. Distinguish between Grazing Food chain and Detritus Food chain.
12. What is ecological pyramid? Show ecological pyramids for a pond, a forest and a desert.
13. What are the ecological pyramids? Explain why some of these pyramids are up right while other are inverted in different ecosystems.
14. How is the universal model of energy flow useful in ecosystem?
15. Give an account of energy and nutrient flow in an ecosystem.
16. Explain the bio-geochemical cycles in sustaining life on earth.
17. With a neat sketch explain how the element carbon is recycled in nature.
18. Explain the functioning of hydrological cycle with a neat figure.
19. Explain the functioning of sedimentary cycles with a neat figure.
20. Explain briefly characteristic features and functions of Forest ecosystem.
21. Explain types of forest ecosystems in India.
22. Explain the Grassland ecosystems in India.
23. What are the commonalities and differences between a marine ecosystem and a forest ecosystem?
24. Write a note on arctic tundra.
25. What are the various components of desert ecosystem?
26. What are the biotic components of aquatic ecosystem, explain.
27. Define ecosystem. And explain characteristic features of pond ecosystem.
28. Define lapse rate and temperature inversion.
29. Explain Eutrophication, Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification.
30. Discuss the major features of a stream (river) that differ from that of lake.
31. Discuss the salient features of estuarine ecosystem.
32. Discuss the zonation in an ocean, what role is played by oceans in terms of providing resources and regulating climate.
33. Ecotone, Edge effect, Keystone species, Coral reefs


1. Classify the types of biodiversity and explain in detail with examples.
2. Differentiate between Genetic diversity and Species diversity.
3. List the environmental services offered by biodiversity. (biodiversity values)
4. Give the bio-geographical classification of India.
5. Write a short note on biodiversity consumptive use and productive use.
6. What is the role played by the forest in biodiversity in India?
7. How does the Indian marine environment effect the biodiversity?
8. Identify and explain the present day major threats to biodiversity in India. (a). Habitat Loss (b). Poaching of wild life (c). Man-Wildlife conflict
9. Extinction is part of evolution process, still why should we bother about the ongoing species extinction.
10. Biological diversity is an index of nation wealth. Explain.
11. Discuss the status of India as a mega diversity nation of biodiversity (OR) What is the role played by India as mega diversity nation.
12. Explain the biodiversity at local level.
13. Explain the climatic changes that are affecting the biodiversity due to environmental pollution globally.
14. How can the increasing population of India effect its biodiversity?
15. What are objectives of identifying biodiversity hot-spots? Give the Global biodiversity hot-spots.
16. Distinguish between the endemic and endangered species and name few endemic and endangered species of India.
17. Mention the important sites in India identified for the conservation of endemic species and list the major endemic species of India.
18. Explain the need of public awareness in the conservation of biodiversity in India.
19. What are the various programs organized by the government of India towards conservation of biodiversity.
20. Discuss the Bio-piracy & Ecological foot print
21. Explain in detail In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conservation of biodiversity.
22. Differentiate between In-Situ and Ex-Situ conservation principles.